ADA Policy
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance
As part of its mission, Mid-Plains Community College in conjunction with Mid-Plains Community College Disability Services (MPCC DS) works with all aspects of the college and the communities we represent to provide opportunities for students with disabilities and enables them to fully participate in and enjoy the benefits of higher education. MPCC recognizes that disabilities reflect unique characteristics and experiences. MPCC DS achieves individualized assistance by honoring the uniqueness of each student and through the provision of resources and services that promote academic success and self-advocacy skills. In addition, we collaborate with instructors, staff, and community members to create usable, sustainable, and engaging learning environments.
As such, MPCC seeks to ensure that no person who meets the academic and technical standards requisite for admission to and continued enrollment at MPCC is denied benefits or subjected to discrimination solely by reason of his or her disability. Toward this end, and in compliance with federal laws, MPCC both accepts and provides reasonable accommodations for qualified students.
Both MPCC and the student have responsibilities in creating effective educational opportunities. While MPCC Disability Services stands ready to make accommodations, it is the student's responsibility to avail him or herself of all available services.
Students with accommodation needs should contact the MPCC DS coordinator. Services for students with disabilities may include accommodations, tutoring, and/or counseling. With the student's written permission, the coordinator can also be a liaison to instructors regarding the student's needs. MPCC Disability Services will make a good faith effort to provide individualized effective accommodations to students with disabilities.
Support Animals
Mid-Plains Community College (MPCC) recognizes the importance of service and/or emotional support animals to some individuals. The following process has been established to ensure reasonable accommodations for all students who have a need to bring animals on MPCC Property.
All students requiring emotional support animals shall meet with Disability Services prior to allowing any animal on campus. The requirements, guidelines, and appropriate protocols for receiving accommodations with an emotional support animal will be determined by Disability Services and a letter spelling out the parameters of the accommodations will be sent to those appropriate individuals and/or departments to notify them of the accommodations. Service animals are allowed on campus providing they meet the criteria as such. Contact disability services if further clarification is needed.
MPCC reserves the right to amend this process. Notice of procedural changes will be given consistent with Mid-Plains Community College's standard means of communication. Amendments to said policy will be held every eighteen months.
Although MPCC will attempt to provide reasonable accommodations for all individuals participating in this process, we cannot anticipate every possible circumstance. If an individual believes his or her request for accommodation has not been reasonably accommodated, please contact MPCC Disability Services and/or Campus Vice Presidents, and we will review the situation.