Give to NPCC
The Mid-Plains Community College Advancement Office is more than happy to discuss with donors the intent of their gift and best align their personal wishes with the needs of the institution. Please contact the Advancement Office with any questions and guidance.
Haven Smith
Director of Institutional Advancement
Named Endowment
Donors often want to establish a named endowment in honor of their family or place of business. Regular endowments may be started with a first gift of $10,000. As a part of the personalized endowment process, donors may direct the annual proceeds to a need of the college that best fits their own personal interest.
Relatives and friends may remember loved ones with contributions to memorial funds. This can be accomplished through a one time gift towards a program or division, establishment of a named endowment, or the creation of an annual scholarship.
Planned Giving
Please contact the Advancement Office when including the North Platte Community College Foundation in estate plans or as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy. When giving through estate plans discussing the intended impact, such as establishing a named endowment, is important to ensure your wishes are honored. The Advancement Office can also provide draft language for you to share with your attorney, financial advisor, or tax planner. The NPCC Foundation can be named as a beneficiary of an estate, as the recipient of a stated dollar amount or as a residual beneficiary.
Gifts of Property
Mid-Plains Community College, through the North Platte Community College Foundation, can accept gifts of personal or real property. Please contact the Advancement Office to discuss the transfer and acceptance of property on behalf of MPCC or the NPCC Foundation.
Stocks & Bonds
Securities that have appreciated in value offer tax advantages that make them highly attractive as charitable gifts. Agricultural commodities, such as donations of grains, livestock and other agriculturally related products will be gratefully accepted.
Please note: Your attorney, certified public accountant or other qualified financial consultant can advise you as to the most beneficial giving plan to meet your philanthropic wishes. North Platte Community College Foundation does not dispense legal or tax advice.
The Mid-Plains Community College Advancement Office is more than happy to discuss with donors the intent of their gift and best align their personal wishes with the needs of the institution. Please contact the Advancement Office with any questions and guidance.
Donor FAQs
Is my gift tax deductible?
The North Platte Community College Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. Please contact the Advancement Office for the tax identification number for tax or transfer purposes.
All gifts to the Foundation qualify for the maximum allowable deduction under the law. Donors should consult their tax counsel to determine the tax deductibility of any gift as it relates to their personal situation.
How do I make a gift of stocks, bonds or mutual funds?
To make gifts of securities to the NPCC Foundation please contact the Advancement Office to assist with the process.
How do I give by check?
Checks may be written to the “North Platte Community College Foundation” and mailed to:
North Platte Community College Foundation
601 W State Farm Road
North Platte, NE 69101