About Us

To cultivate relationships and provide stewardship of resources to
support the mission of North Platte Community College.

The NPCC Foundation is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors who serve up to two consecutive four-year terms. The Mid-Plains Community College Director of Institutional Advancement serves as the Foundation’s Executive Director and as an ex-officio member. Ex-officio members also include the MPCC President, Vice President of Academic Affairs and NPCC, and the Vice President of Administrative Services.  

Shreya Agrawal - Chair

Daren Wilkinson – Vice Chair

Mindy Borges – Secretary/Treasurer

Matt Irish

Patrick Jacobson

Brian Lusk

Ivan Mitchell

Dr. Todd Rhodes

Krista Heiss


Ryan Purdy, MPCC President, Ex-officio

Dr. Jody Tomanek, MPCC VP, Ex-officio 

Mike Steele, MPCC VP, Ex-officio