
Mid-Plains Community College adds social justice group
Mid-Plains Community College students now have the option of joining a Social Justice Group.

MPCC offers series of suicide awareness trainings
Mid-Plains Community College will begin its next set of Question, Persuade, Refer trainings next month.

MLT students participate in statewide quiz bowl
Members of North Platte Community College’s Medical Laboratory Technician program spent Wednesday afternoon participating in a quiz bowl.

Performances for MCC’s swashbuckling sequel Saturday and Sunday
The McCook Community College Theater Department presents “Swashbuckling Scallywags at the Bilgewater Inn & Groggery” Saturday and Sunday at the Weeth Theater in Tipton Hall. Performances are set for Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday performances at 2 and 6 p.m.

Giving Day donations will go toward NPCC scholarships
Those planning to donate to the North Platte Community College Foundation on North Platte Giving Day can preschedule their gifts now during the early giving period.