NPCC Learning Commons announces sock drive

North Platte Community College students Esper Lewandowski, Lili Kukučková, Gwen Anderson, Taelyn Dakamas and Juliana Ortiz hold up socks in NPCC’s Learning Commons Wednesday morning.
The Learning Commons will host “Socktober” Oct. 3-31 to create awareness about the needs of others in the community. The goal is to collect as many pairs of socks as possible for The Connection, which is North Platte’s homeless shelter.
The campaign is one of many activities the Learning Commons is conducting as part of National Tutor Appreciation Week.
“We appreciate the time our tutors share helping their fellow classmates succeed in their courses and want to extend that,” said Dot Epting, retention specialist for the college. “As a part of the North Platte community, we want our students to be aware of the needs of others. The director of the homeless shelter said there is absolutely a need for socks there - specifically for men.”
Only new socks will be accepted for the drive. They can be dropped off at donation boxes in the Welcome Center and in the Learning Commons, Room 146, in the McDonald-Belton Building on the NPCC South Campus.