NPCC Learning Commons collecting socks for homeless shelter

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

North Platte Community College’s Learning Commons is collecting socks for The Connection homeless shelter. The “Socktober” campaign will continue through Oct. 31.

“The most requested items in shelters are socks,” said Bobbi Muehlenkamp, director of the Learning Commons. “With our temperatures dropping, we would like to help those less fortunate in ways that we can. Dot Epting started this initiative as a way to give back to the community, and we continue it in her honor. Dot retired from NPCC Sept. 29.”

Only new socks will be accepted. Donation boxes are set up in the Learning Commons, the Welcome Center and the first floor of the Health and Science Center on the NPCC South Campus, 601 W. State Farm Rd., in North Platte.

Donations can also be turned in to the Career Services department on the NPCC North Campus, 1101 Halligan Drive.