MPCC takes fourth at national shooting competition

The Mid-Plains Community College Shooting Club has returned from nationals with two Top 10 finishes.
MPCC Shooting Club members Nevayah Jones and Blayzon Mooney of McCook, David Cudzilo, of North Platte, and Hoyt Dancer, of Sutherland, competed at the Association of College Unions International and Scholastic Clay Target Program National Championships in San Antonio, Texas March 18-23.
Jones tied for third place in Women’s Class B American Skeet after shooting her first 25 straight. She then competed in a shoot-off and ended up fourth overall in her class.
Cudzilo tied for sixth place in the Men’s Class C American Double Skeet. Mooney and Dancer represented MPCC well in many other disciplines.
Approximately 1,143 shooters from 107 schools competed at the event.