McCook Community College art camp set for June 27-30

Art camp for students in the second through eighth grade is set for June 27-30 at McCook Community College.
Students in this camp will explore the elements and principles of art through decorative pottery, painting, and printmaking. They will explore the elements of line, shape, color, value, and texture by using various techniques.
They will also create a decorative glazed surface on pottery, a small collage painting, and a mono-printmaking process using a Gelli ™ plate.
The camp will conclude with a Student Art Gallery Exhibit, which family and friends are encouraged to attend.
This camp is run through the Business & Community Education Department at McCook Community College and will be at room 213 of McMillen Hall. Cost is $29 and Deonne Hinz is the instructor.
Pre-registration is required, so call at 345-8122, or go online at
Students entering grades 2-4: will go Monday-Thursday, June 27-30, from 1-3 p.m.
Students in the fifth through eighth grades will go Monday-Thursday, June 27-30, from 10 a.m. – noon.