MPCC Shooting Club announces junior/senior shootout

High school juniors and seniors are invited to attend a new event offered by the Mid Plains Community College Shooting Sports Club.
The club will host The Junior and Senior High School Spotlight Shootout Sept. 10. Flights will begin at 8 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at the Lincoln County Wildlife Gun Club, 100 Eagles Nest Rd., North Platte.
A total of 200 targets will be offered for three disciplines: 50 trap, 50 skeet and 100 sporting clays. There is a limit of 45 minutes for each trap and skeet session and 120 minutes for sporting clays. Shooters will be individually squadded.
The cost to enter is $75 per shooter, which includes a t-shirt and lunch. Each shooter must register independently.
The deadline to register is Sept. 2. Registration can be done online at: Paper forms are available upon request but must be postmarked no later than Sept. 2.