MPCC Diesel Technology department gains new equipment through Perkins Grant

Students in Mid-Plains Community College’s Diesel Technology program will learn on some of most advanced equipment on the market this fall.
A newly patented Dyno Tech DT843 dynamometer arrived on campus last week. Dynamometers, or “dynos” for short, measure force, moment of force (torque) and power in engines.
The DT843 offers the ability to load test 800 horsepower at 1000 RPM, along with a rated torque capacity of 4300 lbs. per foot.
Other features include a bidirectional valve that allows for testing of clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, standard PTO shafts capable of running at 540 and 1000 RPM along with flywheel adaption to accommodate stationary engine testing and torque arm calibration for field verification by technicians.
“We will use the dyno a couple of ways,” said Steve Kramer, diesel instructor and chair of the Applied Technologies division at the college. “We will use it for troubleshooting. For example, if a tractor is not running correctly under load, we now have a way to replicate that load and find the issue. The second way is after we overhaul an engine – we will use the dyno to break in the engine properly.”
The DT843 replaces an older analog model dyno in the diesel department. The new equipment is more accurate, completely digital and is on par with the dynamometers used by local dealerships.
“When we started looking for a new dyno, we went to different shops in our service area to see what was preferred by the industry,” Kramer said. “North Platte Kubota has something similar, and Titan Machinery has the exact same model. When students are trained on the same equipment our business partners are using, it makes the students more marketable and makes for a smoother transition when they enter the workforce.”
The dyno was purchased using $28,904 worth of Perkins Grant funds. The same grant was also used to buy five circuit training boards for NPCC’s diesel department at a cost of $2,668 each.
The Ohm’s Law and DC Circuit trainers are self-contained educational learning systems designed to teach students basic electrical and electronic theory. They are used to demonstrate Ohm’s Law basics, common electrical system components and circuit operation.
“The trainers will give the students a hands-on learning option to help them understand how electrical circuits function,” said Kelley Cole, diesel instructor. “Students will be able to construct circuits and diagnose common problems found in modern electrical systems.”
Because the circuit boards are portable, the instructors will be able to take them into area high schools to recruit new students for the Diesel Technology program.
More information about the Diesel Technology program at MPCC can be found online at