MCC's Blue-Out Night set for Tuesday against North Platte

McCook Community College’s annual Blue-Out Night to help raise money and awareness for students with disabilities is set for Tuesday during the women’s and men’s basketball games with North Platte. Fans are encouraged to wear blue in support.
This year, members of Phi Theta Kappa are selling color-changing wrist bands and cookies as part of the effort in conjunction with McCook’s Walk In My shoes Organization. The night will include a free-throw shooting contest, mini basketballs and the announcement of Blue Out royalty.
Walk in my Shoes families will be part of the Mr. and Miss MCC royalty crowning taking place between games.
In past years the money raised has helped create a special education scholarship for a sophomore majoring in Special Education at MCC. The scholarship was created through McCook’s “Walk In My Shoes” organization.
Tuesday’s first game between the MCC and North Platte women begins at 5:30 p.m. with the men’s game to follow at about 7:30 p.m.