
Fourtner named NPCC Business Student of the Month
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Alex Fourtner is North Platte Community College’s Business Student of the Month for October.

MCC alum dedicates lifetime to protecting others
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Bill Hoyt has spent a lifetime looking out for those around him. He wouldn’t have it any other way. “I’m a guard dog by nature,” Hoyt said. “I have no problem focusing my time and energy taking care of those in need.”

NPCC to offer class on podcasting
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
North Platte Community College’s Business and Community Education department will offer a free, introductory podcasting class in October.

Leadership Day
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
MCC hosted students from 14 area high schools Wednesday as part of the Fifth Annual Republican Plains Activities Conference Leadership Day.

RPAC Leadership Day at MCC
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
MCC hosted students from 14 area high schools Wednesday as part of the Fifth Annual Republican Plains Activities Conference Leadership Day.