NPCC Theater Department to present “Rossum’s Universal Robots”

North Platte Community College’s theater department will present “Rossum’s Universal Robots” later this month.
The curtain will go up at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 26- March 1 in the McDonald-Belton Theater on the NPCC South Campus, 601 W. State Farm Rd., in North Platte.
The play, written in 1921 play by Czech playwright Karel Čapek, explores the rise of artificial intelligence and robotics. Set in a future where robots are mass-produced and serve humanity, the play examines the ethical implications of creating sentient beings for labor.
As the robots evolve beyond their programming, they rebel against their human creators, leading to a catastrophic uprising.
With its exploration of human nature, technology and the potential consequences of unchecked innovation, R.U.R. introduces the term "robot" to the world, raising timeless questions about the intersection of technology and society.
“This play takes a unique look at many aspects of human nature, good and bad. Hopefully, the audience will question what humans are willing to do in the name of progress,” said NPCC Theater Instructor Ritch Galvan, who will direct the play.
The cast is comprised of NPCC Students, high school students and community members.
Cast members include: Ady Hastings, Aaron Parshall, Bella Harwager, Lisselle Lucus, Elizabeth Tinsley, Wendi Galvan, Makannah Ronquiliio, Dustin Cartmill, Trenton Emmons, Dominic Hatch, Gianna Tejral, Anja Tejral, Leah Allen, Olivia Parshall and Kierian Tejral.
Crew members include Bea Webster and Nathaniel Allen.
Admission for the play is $5 per person. The college’s students, faculty and staff will be admitted free with an ID.