Timed event fundraiser lures in a crowd

Contestants from across Nebraska and surrounding states competed in steer wrestling, breakaway roping, team roping and a special rodeo triathlon Friday and Saturday at the Kiplinger Arena in McCook.
It was all part of an annual timed event fundraiser hosted by the Mid-Plains Community College rodeo team.
There were 28 breakaway and 13 steer wrestling entries on Friday. Saturday’s competition lured in more than 185 teams in the #9 team roping and 85 teams in the #12 roping.
“MPCC Rodeo owes a big thank you to the Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado roping communities for supporting our fundraiser,” said Wyatt Clark, timed event coach for the MPCC rodeo team. “We were blessed with a beautiful day Saturday and could have roped outside. I want to extend a big thanks to the Lapp and Phillips families for supplying cattle this weekend and our rodeo athletes for their hard work on producing a quality event for the region. Fun was had by all.”
The steer wrestling average champion on two head was Lane Herl of Goodland, Kan. The breakaway average champion on three head was Olivia Cullen of Yuma, Colo.
Tee and Rio Whited, of Wallace, were the #12 team roping champions, and current MPCC rodeo team member Kalyn Nielsen, of Verdigre, won the #9 team roping alongside draw-in partner Juan Franco.
The weekend capped off with a costume triathlon, which consisted of breakaway roping, barrel racing and goat tying. A total of 10 contestants entered the event. MPCC rodeo team member Madison McGee came away with the championship - dressed as a pickle.