Next round of Sunday College starts Jan. 16

Mid-Plains Community College is accepting registrations for its spring Sunday College classes, which will begin in January.
Designed with convenience in mind, Sunday College helps students who are trying to balance an education with a busy schedule.
By attending classes in-person on Sunday afternoons and evenings, and completing the rest of the assignments online, students can complete general education requirements in just eight weeks.
The on-campus component is offered at MPCC locations in McCook and North Platte and via distance learning in Broken Bow, Imperial, Ogallala and Valentine.
All Sunday College classes are designated as academic transfer, which means they should be accepted for academic credit at any regional college or university.
The first round of Sunday College will begin Jan. 16 and continue through March 6. SOCI 2150: Issues of Unity and Diversity is scheduled for 1-4 p.m. on Sundays, and PSYC 1810: Intro to Psychology will be from 5-8 p.m.
The second eight weeks of classes will be from March 13 through May 12. Those will consist of ENGL 2100: Introduction to Literature, from 1-4 p.m. and HIST 2010: American History I to 1877 from 4-7 p.m.
More information about Sunday College is available at Those interested in registering can contact Donna Menke, director of advising, at or (308) 535-3600.