MPCC Shooting Club hosts scrimmage against NCTA

John Gustafson, of North Platte, participates in a scrimmage Saturday between the Mid-Plains Community College Shooting Club and the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture Shotgun Sports Team.
The scrimmage, at the Lincoln County Wildlife Gun Club at Lake Maloney, was a first for the newly formed MPCC Shooting Club.
The area-wide club is open to both traditional and non-traditional students. Members began training over the fall semester.
They include: Gustafson, Brandon Eller, Destry Jorgensen and Tristan Ragland, all of North Platte; David Diener, of Hershey; Kyle Baxter and Trevor Kefalas, of Trenton, and Luke Maris, of McCook.
Their first competition will be the Doane Invite March 5-6 in Lincoln.