MPCC Shooting Club raffles shotgun

Tickets will be available Monday for a shotgun raffled by the Mid-Plains Community College Shooting Club.
Proceeds will be used to help offset the cost of entry fees and travel expenses for the club’s upcoming competitions. The drawing will be 5 p.m. Dec. 1. The winner will be notified by phone.
The TriStar Trinity shotgun has a 3” chamber over and under and is made of Turkish Walnut with an oil stain finish. It features a solid frame for durability and strength, sealed actions to keep dirt out, self-adjusting locking lugs, a top tang barrel selector and safety and steel mono-block barrel construction.
The gun comes with five interchangeable Beretta®/Benelli® Mobil style choke tubes (SK, IC, M, IM, F), a choke box and choke wrench. It also has a rubber recoil pad and is backed with a five-year mechanical warranty.
The shotgun is sponsored in part by the River Valley Gun Gallery. A total of 400 tickets will be up for grabs at a cost of $10 each.
Only individuals 18 and older are allowed to buy tickets. Identification will be required at the time of in-person purchase.
Tickets are available from any shooting club member, shooting club head coach Heather Wright at Suds R Us and assistant coach Ellie Schad at Lashley Land and Recreational Brokers. Both businesses are in North Platte.
Tickets will also be offered at the MPCC Fall Flurry Sept. 16-17 and the Prairie Circuit Classic Sept. 29-30 and Oct. 1, both shoots will be at the Lincoln County Wildlife Gun Club south of North Platte.
More information about the raffle and tickets is available by emailing or calling Mike Janecek at (308) 535-3601.
MPCC does not have ownership of the shotgun. Ownership will be transferred from the River Valley Gun Gallery to the winner after arrangements are made by the winner.
Additional information about the shotgun can be found at: