Dual credit students to benefit from North Platte Giving Day
The North Platte Community College Foundation and North Platte Public Schools are joining forces to put local students on the path to a higher education.
The organizations are teaming up for North Platte Giving Day in an effort to raise money for local students taking dual credit classes.
Donations to the North Platte Public Schools Foundation will be put toward scholarships for students taking dual credit classes at North Platte High School while donations to the NPCC Foundation will go toward dual credit scholarships for any high school student in Lincoln County.
"Dual credit courses are a great way for students to earn college credit while still in high school," said Kayla Thurman, the college's interim director of Institutional Advancement. "However, because the students are still in high school, many of them do not qualify for grants or traditional scholarships. Many high school students who would like to take college classes may not be able to due to limited financial resources."
The NPCC Foundation board created the Dual Credit Scholarship Program to help support those students and to encourage more to take dual credit courses.
"Since 2019, the NPCC Foundation has been able to award 71 dual credit scholarships valued at $150 each to deserving Lincoln County high school students," said Thurman. "A generous donation to the NPCC Foundation will allow us to continue to those efforts."
About Giving Day
Hosted by the Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation, North Platte Giving Day is a 24-hour online fundraising event that provides an opportunity for people to donate to their favorite causes in Lincoln County. The actual event is May 5, but financial contributions can be pre-scheduled beginning April 26.
Contributions can be made online with a computer, smartphone or tablet at northplattegivingday.org/NorthPlatteCommunityCollegeFoundation. Checks can also be delivered in-person or mailed to the Mid-Nebraska Community Foundation at 121 N. Dewey St., #112, North Platte, NE 69101.
The minimum donation is $10, but there's no maximum gift limit. People can give to as many nonprofits as they would like. Donations are tax deductible as charitable contributions.
The nonprofits will receive 100 percent of the money allotted to them. As an added bonus, they will have a chance to win prizes from sponsors.
More information about Giving Day is available at northplattegivingday.org. More information about the NPCC Foundation can be found at northplattecommunitycollegefoundation.org.