Dick Driml Chili Cook-Off to be held March 11 at Fairgrounds

McCook Community College’s 22nd Annual Dick Driml Chili Cook-Off is set for March 11 and this year the event moves to the Red Willow County Fairgrounds community building. The event will be held in conjunction with the Mid-Plains Community College Fundraiser Rodeo.
All chili cooks are invited to compete and asked to register prior to the event in order to be judged. Interested cooks can contact Dr. Mirna Cabrera, Director of Music at MCC. (308-345-8187) or email her at cabreram@mpcc.edu. All chili to be judged should be brought in a roaster.
This is a long-running fund raiser for the MCC Music Department, now named in honor of Dick Driml, former MCC music instructor, who started the chili cook-off tradition. In past years the event was usually staged in conjunction with home basketball doubleheaders in late February, but this year, the last home doubleheader happened in early February.
Dr. Cabrera said in looking at other options, MPCC Rodeo Coach Wyatt Clark suggested he’d like to get the college and community more involved in a rodeo event, and the MPCC Fundraiser Order March 10-11 at the Kilpinger Arena, seemed like a good fit.
Proceeds from the chili cookoff goes to an account allowing MCC music students to travel to music-related events. MCC’s Phi Beta Lambda is once again offering dessert items at the event as a fund-raiser too.
The chili-feed/cookoff starts at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 11 and goes until 2 p.m.