Calibraska plans return to North Platte

Calibraska tour
Monday, April 10, 2023

The Calibraska Arts Initiative has announced the dates for its lineup of online classes as well as its 2023 summer tour stop in North Platte.

Calibraska uses the arts to build community, culture and inclusive educational exchanges between Nebraskans and primarily California/Los Angeles-based industry professionals.

In-person classes

This year, an animation class and a music video camp will be offered in person July 17-21 in the McDonald-Belton Building on the NPCC South Campus.

Animation 1.0 is scheduled for 10 a.m. to noon each day. Open to ages 7-12, the class will examine the theories that apply to all animation techniques.

Participants will animate paper, clay and more to learn basic animation principles. No previous animation or drawing experience is necessary.

The music video camp will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. It will provide a unique experience for creative students to learn how to make music videos using techniques from both live action and animation.

Instruction will include the basics of animation and video production while exploring the many ways to combine image and sound. As with the animation class, no prior experience is required.

Online classes

Creative Writing for Adults, Creative Writing for Teens, Photography and Acting are some of the many online classes Calibraska is offering.

Calibraska is also launching a series of free virtual drawing workshops with partner organization Nickelodeon Animation Studio.

Those workshops will be every Tuesday June 6-27 and July 11-18. Sessions will be from 2-2:30 p.m. (CDT) for kindergarten through fifth grades and from 3-4 p.m. (CDT) for grades 6-12.

Scholarships are available for both the in-person and online classes. Those interested in receiving more information about a course, or in registering, can visit