Blue-Out Night March 2 will include autograph sessions

McCook Community College's Blue-Out Night to help raise money and awareness for students with disabilities is set for March 2 during the women's and men's basketball games with North Platte. This year, men's and women's basketball players will be signing team posters as part of the night, which also includes announcement of homecoming royalty.
This is the sixth year that MCC's Phi Theta Kappa and Walk In My Shoes has sponsored Blue Out event for disabilities awareness. Once again this year, miniature basketballs will be available to purchase and all proceeds – including additional donations -- will go to the Garrett Nokes family. The former MPCC Rodeo Coach will be honored with a moment of silence before the games. During halftime of both games PTK will hold free throw contests to help raise additional money.
MCC's Phi Beta Lambda will again distribute baby bottles around the Event Center to collect money for their national organization's charity – the March of Dimes, an organization which helps support babies born with birth defects. PBL and PTK members ran concessions and the ticket booth. PBL will have a split the pot contest with half going to the March of Dimes.
Walk in my Shoes families will be part of the Mr. and Miss MCC royalty crowning taking place between games.
Last year enough money was raised to create a special education scholarship for a sophomore majoring in Special Education at MCC. The scholarship was created through McCook's "Walk In My Shoes" organization and the process involves filling out a simple one-page scholarship form. The priority deadline is April 1. For more information about the scholarship contact Shannon Corder, PTK sponsor at corders@mpcc.edyu or call (308-345-8871).
The first game on March 2 begins at 5:30 p.m. with the men's game to follow at about 7:30 p.m.