Parrett named NPCC Business Student of the Month

Ashlyn Parrett, of Maxwell, has been selected as North Platte Community College’s Business Student of the Month for November.
Parrett graduated from Maxwell High School in 2019 and is currently studying agribusiness at NPCC.
“I chose NPCC because I’ve always known the college as a launchpad to success and reaching your potential,” said Parrett. “The faculty has made me see that I am capable of so much more than I believed. My instructors have inspired me to never stop learning.”
Parrett said the Business Student of the Month recognition is her most memorable moment at NPCC so far.
“It proves all my work up to this point has paid off, and it has made me recognize my potential,” Parrett said. “Receiving the award from someone I look up to very much, Cathy Nutt, and having my parents there to see the astonished look on my face, will be a moment I never forget.”
Nutt is a business instructor at the college. She nominated Parrett for the award.
“Ashlyn is a wonderful student to have in class and in our program,” Nutt said. “She is conscientious, curious and puts forth her full effort in courses. She is always prompt with her assignments and engaged in class - asking well thought out questions and engaging with her classmates through conversations or helping them with questions on coursework. On top of all that, she is just a pleasant young person who is a joy to be around.”
Parrett is on track to graduate in December of 2023. After college, she plans to pursue a career in the agriculture industry.
“Wherever I go, my only hopes are that my career is challenging, helps keep the world healthy and fed and brings me joy,” said Parrett.
Parrett is a member of the college’s Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
Outside of academics, she enjoys hunting, fishing, photography and making memories with loved ones. Parrett is the daughter of Joseph and Shannon Parrett, of Maxwell.