MPCC now offering music certificates

LaReina Colton
Friday, August 4, 2023

Mid-Plains Community College student LaReina Colton, of Imperial, performs during a spring concert in North Platte. MPCC is adding a music certificate to its program offerings beginning this fall.

A new option is available for students interested in taking music classes at Mid-Plains Community College.

Students will have the option of earning a music certificate beginning this fall. It can either stand alone or be applied toward an Associate of Fine Arts degree with a music emphasis.

“The certificate constitutes the first year of music major classes,” said Kristin Simpson, music instructor. “It is completed in two semesters, fall to spring of the same academic year, and students may choose any offered instrument or voice, so long as they stick with their choice for both semesters.”

The certificate requires 19 credit hours of music specific courses as compared to the 34 needed for a music degree.

“The ideas behind it are that students who cannot complete a music degree due to financial issues, family issues, etc. may instead earn the certificate and walk for graduation,” said Simpson. “Or students who want to major in a different degree but want to also participate in music may take a few extra classes and earn the certificate, thereby increasing their transferability power.”

The certificate also provides an opportunity for those interested in increasing their knowledge base for a private studio or other business.

Specifics about the new option can be found on the college website,, under the course catalog section.

Those interested in registering for classes at MPCC are encouraged to make an appointment with an advisor first by calling (308) 535-3701 in North Platte or (308) 345-8101 in McCook.