First MCC students arrive on campus
![MCC selfie](/news/files/mccselfie.jpg)
Monday, August 9, 2021
The first of McCook Community College’s incoming freshmen have arrived on campus for
the start of classes and volleyball season.
On Aug. 5, members of the Bridge To Success Class moved into Brooks Hall, attended
a “meet and great” in the lobby, went downtown for a dinner at the Keystone catered
by Sehnert’s, then attended the concert in Norris Park.
Friday’s schedule included orientation sessions with focus on schedules, planning,
financial aid, text book pickup, tech and computer setup and troubleshooting, tips
on the Learning Commons resources - including data bases, the MPCC library webpage,
email, tutoring and a campus tour/scavenger hunt.
Saturday’s activities included outside yoga with Julia Kotschwa,r and on Monday, students
begin their two-week focus on college English along with study and homework skills.
Other off-campus activities included tours of McCook businesses and restaurants, as
well as Pizza Night and Game Night in Brooks Hall.
All MPCC classes begin Aug. 23.